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Total: 5 results found.

1. PentActiv bracelet (Vision)
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...  Beneficial impact of the oxygen anions (AeroTeq inserts) Oxygen anions are particles that are formed under the influence of energy on the molecules of oxygen. Anions in nature spring up near the ...
2. Stalon (Vision) food supplement
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... resulted from psychological issues, whereas modern medicine claims that 70% of cases are caused by organic factors and they are of a "secondary" nature. This means that the "primary" illness must be treated ...
3. Mistik (Vision) food supplement
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... to understand the nature of sleep and the very important role it plays in our lives, as well as what happens to us while we sleep, the process itself remains one of the most mysterious physiological phenomena. ...
4. Anti-stress
(Uncategorised Content)
... with the development of civilization and man's increasing departure from nature, the price people pay for aspiring to lead a comfortable life is also increasing. "Sick building syndrome" has appeared, ...
5. Time For Relaxation
(Uncategorised Content)
... advise that it is important to spend at least one day a week out in nature, surrounded by the beauty of the environment. However, that isn't always possible. That's why we often choose ,,beauty farms;' ...