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Important information!
Wholesale prices presented on the page is based on contracts with a value above 190 CV
Check discounts for contracts with smaller values CV here

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You can buy Vision supplements at the European wholesale store SESSIA in Austria.

Promotional prices apply from min. 4 pcs:
1-3 products: 0% discount
4 - 7 products: 20% discount
8 - 15 products: 30% discount
16 - 39 products: 40% discount
when buying 40 items, an additional 8 free (over 40% discount)

Payment method: only payment card, payment in EUR.
Delivery method: courier delivery within 7 business days, shipping fee: EUR 9.90 regardless of the quantity of products ordered.

Warning! The online store in Austria works correctly with the Microsoft Edge browser. Others may have payment problems. We recommend downloading the checked web browser below.
To go to the store, click on the banner below: